Posted by admin
Posted on January 08, 2019
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Watch Gudang Kubur (2015) Full Movie and Download. Gudang Kubur can be watch for free registering. Watch Gudang Kubur with 720p Quality.
Gudang Kubur (2015)
Release : 2015-02-12 Genre : Horror Runtime : 93 minutes Home Page : Company : Metrowealth International Group (MIG) Cast : Faizal Hussein, Nora Danish, Nizam Zaidi, Epy Kodiang, Along Eyzendy
A pair of husband and wife, Anwar and Zarra, bought a warehouse to start their tile business. However, what the couple does not realise is that 'something' is already residing in the warehouse and 'it' does not welcome the couple. From then on, Anwar and Zarra begin to experience all sorts of supernatural disturbances that end up destroying the household.
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